Last night, my husband preached on the Armor of God. I have heard several sermons and read many commentaries on the armor. I never grow tired of it. It always convicts me. I know there are many days when I go into my day without my armor. Or at least pieces of my armor. As he preached on the Gospel of Peace shoes, my mind begin to drift. Am I the only one this happens to? True confession of a pastors wife...hey, at least I don't sleep in church! Okay back to my drifting thoughts...

I had received new shoes for Christmas and they are just fantastic. They are shiny and make everything in life around me seem a little more exciting! I also thought about all the shoes I own. I have been blessed with feet that can't be fitted easily. Why is this a blessing instead of a curse? It keeps my shoe consumption down to a minimum. Finding shoes to fit my feet can be a task, so when I do find them, I tend to wear them to pieces. In fact, the pair that I wore to the mall when I found my new shoes, ended up in the garbage can outside of the shoe store. Gasp! I know there are people around the world who don't have shoes and I am being wasteful. Trust me, these were landfill worthy, not pass down, give away worthy. I told you I wear them to pieces. I like having shoes for every occasion. I have hiking boots, that I've owned for 16 years, I obviously don't hike often! I have flip flops for everyday summer wear, I have flats for winter, a few wedges for days that I attempt to be taller and don't have to walk much. I have water shoes for down at the creek, so very tacky- I might add. I have tennis shoes for those days that I feel athletic and desire exercise, again those shoes aren't very worn in! I even have a pair of crocs, my very first pair. In their defense, they are very comfortable and with my feet comfort is a good thing. Though I limit myself to only wearing them in the yard or around the house. They are not to leave the property. I also own a pair of fabulous slippers. All in all I think I have about 16 pairs of shoes. These shoes keep me ready for whatever I may face in my day.
When Chris was preaching, he mentioned how the shoes of a soldier were a sign that they were ready to go into battle. Can you picture a warrior with no shoes? Imagine the middle east, hot sand, rocky terrain, and bare feet. Not a smart move. Just as much as I use my shoes to fit the occasion, I can see how the Gospel of Peace shoes are necessary for me in my spiritual battle. The great part about these shoes would be that you only need ONE pair for all situations. Think about that. What if I could invent a shoe that could convert as needed. Imagine having this "smart shoe" that would be a fancy shoe one minute and convert to a slipper when your feet grow weary. That is how the Gospel of Peace shoes work! We put them on and God will go before us, he will prepare us for what we will endure. What a thought! And best of all, it comes in WIDE width, narrow and medium! The idea that God goes before us has to encourage you just a little. If you can look past this whole post about my silly shoes and realize this one nugget, please take time to digest it!
Gal 5:16-17 (NAS) But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh. For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please.
Walk by the Spirit.... put on those shoes today, the Gospel of Peace. Be ready! Don't battle without them! Know that God goes before you.
If you see me this week, you will probably see my fancy new shoes, don't be afraid to ask me if I put on my Gospel of Peace shoes as well!!!
Wide Feet in MS
Are those hiking boots the Timberlands I gave you? :)
ReplyDeleteAnd my Crocs are the same way. I never leave the mountain in them.