Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Fresh Starts, Do overs, and goals

The only difference between yesterday and today is the date. People tend to put a lot of faith into the "New Year" and seem to have a false hope of what this year can bring that would be more becoming than last year. I think people go into January with the best intentions, only to fail and find themselves back in their old ways, settling back into the way they were and being comfortable with the way it is. "It is what it is..." Have you heard that saying before? It may be, but it doesn't have to stay that way. Did you know that in Christ you are a new creation. Not just on January 1, but every day? God has this beautiful thing called grace, who's sister is mercy, who's cousin is love. They all work together. So far in my readings this morning, my favorite had to be from the devotional book "Experiencing God, Day by Day." It really hit the nail on the head for me. It was by far the most encouraging. It wasn't about setting goals, or resolutions- in fact it was quite the opposite. It was about taking all our hopes and dreams and the desires of our hearts and placing them in the Lord's hands. He is not asking us to be better, do better, he is simply asking us to obey Him. Sigh- what a relief! It brought Joy to heart knowing that what he requires of me is only possible through him. I know that by setting my heart and my eyes on Him, will cause Him to be first. With Him being first in my life, whatever comes my way- he allowed and will see me through it. I look forward to what God has in store for this upcoming year. 2014 is here, not everyone lived to see it, but I did. I was here for a purpose today. I made today count. I was purposeful in my actions, and took time to think of others, share a part of my heart, and be thankful. I was calmer with my children and even started my day with my devotions. Now the truth be told, my bills are still waiting to be paid and my dishes need to be put away. My clothes are not put up from previous trip, and the dog tore into the trash while I was away from home. So is everything peachy? Of course not. Do I serve a really big God? Yes. Is he able? Certainly. Will I always see good? Probably not, but I will try. I will work toward that. Piece by piece, little by little. Growth is not speedy, nor should it be. Slow and steady.

Isaiah 43:19 ESV
"Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert."

Peace to you, 

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