Saturday, January 18, 2014

Spiritually Sick...

Sunday morning, our pastor spoke of a Spiritual Check up that we are in need of. Often times when we are physically sick we will put off going to the doctor. I do, simply because I am a cash patient, and it's not always easy to find and extra $150 to go to the doctor. We also put off spiritual check ups, because they cost us something other than money- they cost us time. I decided to search online and read a few articles about spiritual check ups. My favorite came from "Our Daily Bread"

I suggest that we get over our reluctance. With God’s guidance, let’s undergo a spiritual checkup, using Proverbs 4:20-27 as a checklist
Ears (v.20): Are we hearing God’s Word clearly and with understanding? Are we doing what those words tell us?
Eyes (vv.21,25): Are we keeping our eyes on the teachings that will guide us toward righteousness?
Heart (v.23): Are we protecting our heart from evil?
Tongue (v.24): Is our mouth clean and pure?
Feet (v.26): Are we walking straight toward God’s truth without wavering?
How did you do on your examination? Are there areas where you need to take action? Regular checkups will help to restore your spiritual vitality.
Create in me a clean heart, O God,
Show me the way that Jesus has trod;
Then I will tell of Your saving grace,
Until the day when I see Your face.  —Hess
A spiritual checkup is the key to spiritual health.

I really like how this was put. I had to ask myself these questions. I know there are areas of my life that can use a fine tuning from the Lord. Areas of my life that I have allowed to be covered. Areas that I fear, due to what others will think, or due to what God may do. 
Are you willing to commit to a spiritual check up? More than once a year, month, week? How about a daily one? Something worth thinking about! 
I had to visit my doctor this week, and the whole process is no fun. Between the blood work and the waiting game and the exam, I was ready to be finished with everything! I remember thinking "I'm glad this is only once a year!" A lot can happen in a year. Physically. Even more so, SPIRITUALLY. Don't wait until you are spiritually sick to seek truth, and help. Go now. Like for real- turn off the computer and go. Shut down the phone and go. Pack your bags and go. Run to Jesus! 
I'm running, I'm running, I'm running to the mercy seat, where Jesus.....

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